- New laws in several Mexican states will place a complete ban on the sale of food high in sugar to children, which will include harsh penalties on any sellers that disobey the directives including fines, and even jail time for repeat offenders.
- By way of example, in Tabasco, Mexico, there is now a prohibition of the “ the sale, distribution, donation, gift, and supply of prepackaged sugary drinks, carbonated sugary drinks, sweets and prepared foods with a predominance of refined carbohydrates and vegetable fats in their solid form that contain hydrogenated fatty acids in their trans form, to minors [under the age of 18], as well as their consumption in medical and educational centers.” Moreover, the State of Tabasco will prohibit vending machines in education centers, public and private hospitals, clinics, and health centers. In Oaxaca, Mexico, a similar law will forbid the sale, distribution and promotion of sugary drinks, and junk food to those under age. It will also apply to vending machines in schools. These states will continue to allow parents or legal guardians to purchase these types of products for their children.
- In regard to the advertising of foods high in sugar, the State of Tabasco will prohibit advertisements, posters or any type of advertising referring to the aforementioned products within a 300 meter radius from any educational centers, medical centers, and hospitals. In addition, the price to advertise in authorized locations will increase by 25 percent.
- These new laws follow a host of measures over the years that aim to reduce consumption of food high in sugar, including a new food labeling law, which will go into effect in October. Other Mexican state governments, including Mexico City, Colima, Guanajuato, San Luis Potosi, and Tamaulipas have shown interest in adopting similar initiatives. We will continue to monitor any developments.