• On November 2, the New York City Council passed a bill that will require chain restaurants with 15 or more locations to post added sugar icons and factual warning statements on menus or menu boards next to menu items and on or near food items on display that exceed a specified level of added sugars. The icon must be displayed on food items that exceed 100% or more of the daily value for added sugars as determined by the FDA (i.e., 50g) or another amount as specified by the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH).
  • This new legislation, Int 0687-2022, builds on the “Sweet Truth Act,” which was passed in 2021 and requires the same added sugar notifications on certain prepackaged food items at covered NYC establishments.
  • The bill has been sent to the Mayor for a hearing and signature, to be held on November 17. If signed, covered establishments will be required to display the added sugar icons no later than one year after the DOHMH issues its rules for the bill. Any covered restaurant that violates the provisions of the bill is liable for a civil penalty of $200.