• Last month, phase 2 of Mexico’s front of pack (FOP) labeling regulations went into effect, triggering certain changes to the thresholds for FOP warnings.
  • We have previously reported on Official Mexican Standard NOM-051 which, among other things, requires FOP warnings when processed foods or non-alcoholic beverages exceed specific thresholds for calories, sugars, saturated fats, trans fats, and sodium. The changes are being implemented in three phases.
  • In phase 2, which runs from October 1, 2023, to September 30, 2025, the thresholds triggering FOP warnings for excess calories and excess sugars for liquid products, and excess sodium for solid products, have been made more stringent and changed to the following: 
    • Warning threshold for excess calories for liquid products: Greater than or equal to 70kcal total per 100mL of product or greater than or equal to 8kcal of added sugars per 100mL of product (previously the latter threshold was 10kcal of added sugar)
    • Warning threshold for excess sugars for liquid products: Greater than or equal to 10% of total calories from added sugars (previous exemption for beverages with less than 10kcal of added sugars removed)
    • Warning threshold for excess sodium for solid products: Greater or equal to 1 mg of sodium per kcal or greater than or equal to 300 mg per 100g of product (previously greater than or equal to 350 mg per 100g of product).
  • Phase 2 will also involve a review of the existing thresholds to determine if further changes are necessary. Phase 3, which will assess phase 2 criteria, will not begin until October 1, 2025.
  • A summary of the thresholds for FOP warnings (including carryovers from phase 1) can be found at USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service webpage.