EFSA publishes new online warehouse for data on chemical contaminants and food consumption.

  • The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is responsible for providing scientific advice and performing food risk assessments in the European Union.  EFSA has long had access to significant quantities of data on chemical contaminants and food consumption, but did not have a unified or systematic approach to making these data available for public use.
  • EFSA now has created a new online warehouse that contains available statistics for different countries on the prevalence of food and feed contaminants, as well as food consumption data for different age groups.  The database is available to the public and is intended to make information access user-friendly.
  • EFSA’s database launch is part of a broader website redesign, which is intended to make information easier to find and to increase overall transparency related to EFSA’s work.  In the future, EFSA plans to expand the database to include information related to zoonotic microorganisms in the food supply, antibiotic resistance, and pesticide and chemical hazards in food and feed.