FDA releases final rules to revise nutrition labeling requirements.

  • In 2014, FDA issued proposed rules that would revise the Nutrition Facts label requirements.  The proposals included amendments to the Nutrition and Supplement Facts labels and to longstanding reference amounts customarily consumed (RACCs), which are used to determine serving sizes.  In 2015, FDA issued a supplemental proposed rule that would require inclusion of the percent daily value (% DV) for added sugars and change the current footnote of the Nutrition Facts label.
  • On May 20, 2016, FDA issued its final rules to implement changes to nutrition labeling requirements in the U.S.  The rules are scheduled for publication in the Federal Register on May 27, 2016.
    • Click here for the final rule revising the Nutrition and Supplement Facts labels (pre-publication version).
    • Click here for the final rule related to various aspects of the serving size regulations, including updates to the RACCs (pre-publication version).
    • Click here for FDA’s press release announcing the availability of the final rules and summarizing the changes therein.
  • The compliance date for both rules is July 26, 2018 for manufacturers with $10 million or more in annual food sales, and July 26, 2019 for manufacturers with <$10 million in annual food sales.

Keller and Heckman LLP will be analyzing the rules in detail and will provide further information related to their implications for the industry in the near future.