We return from our hiatus with a wrap-up of recent items of interest:

President Obama Signs federal GM labeling bill into law.

  • As anticipated, on July 29, President Obama signed S. 764 into law, establishing a federal framework for the labeling of genetically modified (GM) foods and food ingredients.  With this action, Vermont’s GM labeling requirements now are preempted.  For further details on the law and its implications for the food industry, click here.

FDA formally announces extension of compliance date for vending machine labeling requirements.

  • As an update to a topic recently covered on this blog, on August 1, FDA published a Federal Register notice formally extending the compliance date for certain vending machine calorie disclosures.  Specifically, the new compliance date will be July 28, 2018 — i.e., the same as the compliance date for the new nutrition labeling requirements — for certain gums, mints, and roll candy products in glass-front machines.  The compliance date for all other requirements in the rule remains December 1, 2016.

CFSAN Address Change

  • On July 1, the street address changed for FDA’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN).  The new address is:
    • Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
      Food and Drug Administration
      5001 Campus Drive
      College Park, MD 20740