• The Food Advisory Committee was established on March 6, 1992 (57 FR 8064).  Over the years, the Committee has provided advice to the Commissioner of Food and Drugs and other appropriate officials on emerging food and cosmetic safety, food science, nutrition, and other food-related health issues.
  • Today, the FDA announced in the Federal Register (82 FR 58553) that it will not renew the charter of the Food Advisory Committee.  In announcing the discontinuation of this Committee, FDA noted that the Food Advisory Committee has held only a handful of meetings over the past several years and has not met since 2015. On this basis, FDA has determined that the effort and expense of maintaining the advisory committee is no longer justified.
  • In lieu of the Food Advisory Committee, FDA indicates that it will instead address relevant issues using other standing committees and consulting with individual additional experts in appropriate subjects as needed. In addition, FDA will continue to solicit broad public and expert input on its policy documents and regulations.
  • The termination of the Food Advisory Committee is effective December 12, 2017.