• On August 3, 2022, FDA announced the establishment of the Laboratory Accreditation for Analyses of Foods (LAAF) program Dashboard. The LAAF Dashboard will serve as a public registry listing for information on LAAF participants. The LAAF Dashboard allows users to search, view, and export lists of recognized accreditation bodies and LAAF-accredited laboratories.
  • As previously reported, and as demonstrated in the LAAF Dashboard, FDA has recognized six accreditation bodies under the LAAF program. Accredited bodies under LAAF may, in turn, accredit laboratories to the standards established under the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2011 (FSMA).
  • Interested accreditation bodies can apply for recognition under the LAAF program through FDA’s electronic portal, and interested laboratories may apply to one of the recognized accreditation bodies to seek LAAF accreditation. The LAAF Dashboard will be updated as participants are added or changed.