FSIS releases guidance on new technology notifications.

  • Under a longstanding policy, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) has requested that meat, poultry, and egg producers (and their suppliers) notify the Agency of any “new technology” intended for use in official establishments and plants.  This notification gives the Agency an opportunity to determine whether the new technology requires a pre-use review.  Where new technology may affect product safety, FSIS regulations, inspection procedures, or inspector safety, FSIS will advise the submitter that a pre-use review is necessary.
  • FSIS has issued Compliance Guideline Procedures to provide guidance manufacturers and users of new technology on the preparation and submission of new technology notifications and protocols to the Agency.  The guidance clarifies the information that FSIS expects to see in a new technology notification, as well as the types of data that provide scientific support for the use of a new technology.  The guidance also specifies the elements that should be included in the protocol for any experiment used to support the use of a new technology.
  • A new technology is defined as a new, or new application of, equipment, substances, methods, processes, or procedures affecting the slaughter of livestock and poultry or processing of meat, poultry, or egg products.  This broad definition means that new technology issues affect numerous sectors of the supply and production chain, thus making the new FSIS guidance document potentially relevant to a significant swath of the food industry.