FDA has extended the comments period for its draft guidance regarding sodium reduction in food.
- As previously covered on this blog, on June 1, 2016, FDA issued a draft guidance document that provides voluntary sodium reduction targets for the food industry, specifically aimed at food manufacturers, restaurants, and food service operators. The draft guidance sets forth a 2-year goal of reducing intake to 3,000 mg per day and a 10-year goal of reducing intake to 2,300 mg per day.
- Late last week, on August 18, 2016, FDA announced an extension of the comments period for its draft guidance. The comment period for 2-year sodium reduction targets is now October 17, 2016 (instead of August 31, 2016). The comment period for the 10-year targets is now December 2, 2016 (instead of October 31, 2016).
- FDA is granting the extension in response to requests from industry trade associations, as well as consumer and public health organizations. Keller and Heckman attorneys stand ready to assist interested parties in preparing comments and can be reached at: fooddrug@khlaw.com