- FDA will hold a public meeting on September 27, 2019 to give interested parties an opportunity to discuss FDA’s effort to modernize food standards of identity (SOI) and to provide information about changes the FDA could make to existing standards of identity. Modernizing standards of identity is part of the agency’s Nutrition Innovation Strategy, with the agency first prioritizing the use of the term “milk” in labeling plant-based products.
- The public will have a chance to discuss FDA’s effort to modernize food standards of identity and provide information about changes the agency could make to existing standards, particularly changes that could be made across categories of standardized foods (i.e., horizontal changes), to facilitate innovation and provide flexibility for the development of healthier foods. Three breakout sessions will address various topics, including: (1) nutrition topics: what changes to existing SOI would encourage production of more nutritious foods; (2) issues related to innovation and what horizontal approaches to modernization could better accommodate advances in science and technology; and (3) issues related to consumer expectations and standardized foods.
- Written/electronic comments may be submitted beginning August 29, 2019. Persons interested in attending this public workshop either in-person or by web viewing must register online by September 20, 2019.