- In addition to establishing requirements for State and Tribal hemp production plans, USDA’s U.S. Domestic Hemp Production Program establishes a federal plan to regulate hemp production by producers in areas where hemp production is legal but not covered by an approved State or Tribal Plan. USDA maintains a list of the status of State and Tribal hemp production plans that are pending approval or have been approved.
- Farmers in states with no plans to regulate hemp themselves and members of Tribes living in states that ban hemp are eligible to apply for a federal license. All hemp produced outside of States and Tribes with approved plans must meet the requirements of the USDA plan, which has requirements similar to those under State and Tribal plans, but also requires a USDA hemp producer license.
- Starting on November 30, 2019, license applications under the federal USDA hemp production plan can be submitted to USDA. As of the time of this publication, copies of the license applications can be requested via email at farmbill.hemp@usda.gov.