On March 4, 2020, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), in collaboration with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), launched a new initiative, “Feed Your Mind,” to help educate consumers about foods created through genetic engineering (commonly referred to as GMOs or genetically modified organisms).
The initiative addresses some of the most common questions consumers have about GMOs, including what GMOs are, how and why they are made, how they are regulated, and to address health and safety questions. The initiative will launch in phases, including a new website, fact sheets, infographics and videos. Additional materials, including resources for health professionals, a supplemental high school science curriculum, and consumer materials, are scheduled for release in 2020 and 2021.
In developing the initiative, FDA, EPA, and USDA formed a steering committee and working groups with agency leaders and subject matter experts; sought input from stakeholders in public meetings; opened a docket to receive public comments; reviewed scientific literature and research, and conducted formative research.
GMOs remain an area of potential controversy, both from a regulatory perspective and in litigation. Keller and Heckman attorneys continually monitor this area for regulatory developments, as well as consumer and competitor challenges. If you have any questions or need assistance in this area, please email: fooddrug@khlaw.com.