• On November 30, 2023, FDA announced that it had released a third wave of tools and FAQs to inform stakeholders about requirements for the Food Traceability Rule and to help covered entities become compliant with the rule. These new resources are available on FDA’s food traceability webpage.  
  • This update includes a new webpage explaining traceability lot codes, a video highlighting technological components of product tracing systems, example traceability plans, new supply chain examples for deli salads, and information on applying for a waiver or exemption. FDA also added to the FAQ page, with questions and answers now encompassing topics throughout the supply chain, including packing and shipping, farms, retail establishments and restaurants, recordkeeping, importing, and more.  
  • As previously reported, the Rule is one of nine major finalized rules intended to implement the Food Safety Modernization Act to reduce the prevalence of foodborne illness. Issued in November 2022, the Rule is intended to facilitate rapid identification and removal of potentially contaminated food from the market. The new FAQs and tools can help covered entities prepare to meet the requirements by the compliance date of January 20, 2026.