- On March 4, 2024, FDA updated its list of select chemicals currently under review to include more information about the agency’s assessment of previously approved chemicals in the food supply. FDA first published a list in July 2023 to accompany an inventory of food ingredients that the agency determined through post-market review were not GRAS. The updated list includes food ingredients, food contact substances, and contaminants currently under FDA review, along with information about the status of the post-market assessments and links to public information about post-market actions.
- For each of the chemicals in the list, FDA will progress through four risk review steps. First, FDA will review scientific information and engage with public health and research stakeholders to determine whether a risk and safety assessment is needed. If so, the agency will assess health effects on consumers, including vulnerable populations, to determine whether the chemical could pose a safety concern. Then, FDA will review the risk data to determine whether action is necessary to protect public health. Finally, FDA will take action, including revoking authorizations and approvals, working with industry on a voluntary market phase-out, developing action levels, issuing alerts, and providing information to consumers and industry.
- The list is not intended to be comprehensive, but does include some of the contaminants that FDA is focused on through established programs like the Closer to Zero initiative and chemicals that stakeholders have asked FDA to review through citizen petitions. FDA intends to update the list regularly.
- FDA’s assessment of chemicals in the food supply is part of its commitment to improving food safety under the proposed Human Foods Program. This program would include an Office of Food Chemical Safety, Dietary Supplements and Innovation, which is intended to develop a “systematic and more nimble process for evaluating chemicals in the food supply.”
- Keller and Heckman will continue to monitor FDA’s post-market review of chemicals in the food supply.