- On January 10, the FDA issued a final guidance for the Foreign Supplier Verification Programs (FSVP) for Importers of Food for Humans and Animals. As our readers know, under the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), FSVP requires that importers verify that the food which they import provides the same level of public health protection as the preventive controls or produce safety regulations (as appropriate) in the U.S. and to ensure that supplier’s food is not adulterated and is not misbranded with respect to allergen labeling.
- The guidance is intended to assist importers in developing and implementing FSVP records, and following FSVP requirements for each food they import. The guidance includes recommendations on the requirements to analyze the hazards in food; how to evaluate a potential foreign supplier’s performance and the risk posed by the food; ways to determine and conduct appropriate foreign supplier verification activities; and how importers of dietary supplements or very small importers can meet modified FSVP requirements.
- The guidance finalizes a 2018 draft guidance, and addresses comments received regarding what food the FSVP regulation applies to, what information must be included in the FSVP, and who must develop and perform the FSVP activities.