• The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are renewing public health warnings that address the continuing hepatitis A outbreak traced to frozen, organic strawberries.  Although the outbreak has progressed slowly, public health officials are concerned that consumers may continue to be at risk due to the frozen product’s long shelf life.
  • As the FDA and CDC continue to investigate, various retailers have voluntarily recalled products that may be contaminated.  The strawberries in question have been found to have been imported by a common supplier from certain farms located in Baja California, Mexico.  FDA reported that, “the strain of hepatitis A virus causing illnesses this year is genetically identical to the strain that caused the outbreak of hepatitis A virus infections in 2022, which was linked to fresh organic strawberries imported from Baja California, Mexico, and sold at various retailers.”
  • Hepatitis A is a highly contagious, vaccine-preventable, liver infection caused by the Hepatitis A Virus (HAV).  Even if no symptoms are present, people can still transmit the infection.  Thus far, there have been 18 reported cases, resulting in 13 hospitalizations.  FDA has provided general food safety tips for consumers and retailers during an outbreak.